09 Feb EU-level legislative and policy frameworks for the dignity of migrant workers
EU-level legislative and policy frameworks for the dignity of migrant workers
Migrant workers, even those with irregular status, play an indispensable role in sustaining the economies of the European Union (EU), particularly within crucial sectors like food production and industries. Despite their significance, irregular migrant workers encounter systemic barriers hindering their access to fair working conditions and essential services. The DignityFIRM project is dedicated to addressing these challenges by shedding light on the intricacies of irregularity in both upstream (agriculture and food processing) and downstream (hospitality and food delivery) aspects of Farm to Fork (F2F) supply chains, with a focus on identifying vulnerabilities and enhancing working conditions.
Transcending policy silos
This Working Paper transcends traditional policy silos and disciplinary boundaries, providing a comprehensive mapping of EU-level legislative and policy frameworks in four key domains: migration management, the European Pillar of Social Rights (with a specific focus on public health policies), the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy, and corporate social responsibility. Our premise is that these policies collectively shape the conditions and vulnerabilities faced by irregular migrant workers.
Seeing the infrastructure of Farm to Fork labour markets
Rather than isolating these policy domains, the Working Paper presents them as interconnected components of a broader ‘regulatory infrastructure.’ This infrastructure encompasses not only legal and policy dimensions but also incorporates economic and commercial considerations, relevant actors, social structures, and technological factors.
In conclusion, the paper underscores the imperative for a holistic approach to enhance the conditions and rights of irregular migrant workers, and migrant workers more in general.
This paper provides an inclusive perspective on the challenges associated with (irregular) migrant work in Farm to Fork labour market policy.
Involving migrants and businesses
The paper also stresses the significance of involving both migrants and businesses as fundamental stakeholders in our understanding of migrant work in Farm to Fork labour markets, which is at the heart of the ongoing research in the DignityFIRM project.
Click here for the report.
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