This project aims to improve conditions for migrant workers experiencing (multiple) irregularities in five selected European Union Member States (EUMS) and two Associated Countries (AC) promoting dignity through safe and healthy working conditions. Labour markets from FARM (agriculture and food processing) to FORK (hospitality and delivery services) offer the most evident example of how important migrant workers are for societies. We focus on workers in the food supply chain, addressing the contradiction between their exclusion and their vital contributions, especially now that the EU is embarking on one of its greatest transitions; becoming a sustainable and resilient society. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research and a context-specific approach, we’ll understand challenges. Findings will inform the development of tools and strategies to bridge the gap between policy aspirations and realities of migrant workers experiencing irregularity. We will propose group sensitive policy measures towards upholding migrant workers’ access to rights and services, simultaneously addressing the wellbeing of receiving communities.
DignityFIRM engages stakeholders at the EU, national, and local levels, inclusive of F2F employers, and migrant workers in irregular situations. To propose solutions for socio-economic transformation, DignityFIRM views the existing regulatory infrastructure as dynamic and interconnected. Recognizing the complexity and changeability of it, we are taking time to compare the fragmented legislative frameworks in which workers with a migration background are entangled, scattered across four selected policy domains:
Migration & Mobility Policies responses to irregular migration management and their effect
Social pillar rights, with a strong focus on occupational health and safety
Sustainability in the food value chain and food security
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), including codes of conduct and fair produce labels
We aim to improve access to rights and services for migrant workers, promoting inclusive and equitable societies amid global migration.
DignityFIRM closely collaborates with six other projects on irregular migration funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme. In particular, MIrreM focuses on measuring the irregular migrants in Europe, I-Claim and PRIME concentrate on their living and working conditions, and GAPs, FAiR and MORE investigate three different aspects of the return