Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants

Platform for International Cooperation 

on Undocumented Migrants


Founded as an initiative of grassroots organisations, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) represents a network of nearly 160 member organisations working with undocumented migrants in more than 30 countries. With two decades of evidence, experience and expertise on undocumented migrants, PICUM promotes recognition of their human rights and provides an essential link between local realities and the debates and decisions taking place at policy level. Based in Brussels, Belgium, PICUM provides regular recommendations and expertise to influence policymakers and institutions within the European Union, Council of Europe and United Nations as well as on national and local levels. Within DignityFIRM, PICUM aims to engage national organizations in participatory research with irregular migrants using a ‘Participatory Action Research’ framework. Tasks include preparing migrant-inclusive research guidelines, conducting peer researcher-led focus groups, and organizing action focus groups based on research findings. The focus groups aim to involve irregular migrants in shaping research, discussing reactive behaviors and counter strategies in labor disputes, and identifying mobilization actions for disseminating results and achieving change. The outcomes will be documented and summarized for guiding future action implementation.

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